We don't search, we find.

Effective recruiting for IT-companies Boost your team with the top specialists that our HR team will choose expertly and tailored to your requirements.

What is supercruiting?

Supercruiting is recruiting with a strong focus on results. And by results, we do not mean hiring a person, but rather their continuous and effective work at your company. That's exactly what we will find for you.

We specialize in employee search for IT companies and digital agencies:

  • Developers
  • DevOps
  • Analysts
  • Designers and UX specialists
  • QA
  • Product managers
  • Digital project managers
  • as well as marketing experts, copywriters, HR managers, accountants, etc.

Our recruiting results:

of candidates remain in the company for at least a year
are still working 3 years after joining us
stay with the company in another role

What's included in the service

Finding and selecting a specialist for particular criteria Finding professionals who speak your language Initial interview and soft skills assessment Extra service: hard skills assessment by our specialist Assessing compliance with your company's values and business objectives Extra service: writing a compelling job description

Why order recruiting with us?

Focus on the result The result of our HR work is an employee who has joined your company and strengthened it with their competence. This way, we help you minimize time and money spent on searching for the specialists you need.
We understand the industry As a digital company, we understand the IT industry, its peculiarities and personnel requirements perfectly well, because we also hire for ourselves. And with an eye on results.
Background and expertise Over 8 years of work, we have gathered some good analytics. We know how to match a candidate's behavior in the interview with their actual work behavior. We can see the red flags. We know how to filter out toxic, unmotivated and uncooperative professionals.
Strong HR Sunrise Apps is a growing company with 100+ remote employees. We hire a lot for ourselves. Our HR are senior level specialists who know how to fill vacancies for our tasks quickly and efficiently. Now they are working for you as well!
Cheaper and better Recruiting agencies don't hire for themselves, so they don't track candidates' fate and don't really know how they perform. We find exactly the right people you'll be comfortable working with in the long run. And it costs almost twice as much!

Order recruiting from Sunrise Apps!

Tell us what IT professionals your company needs
and we will help you find them!